Frequently Asked Questions?


1. How do i know when my ceramic filter element needs cleaning?

This can vary depending on usage and water quality, but the best indication is when the water flow becomes noticeably less than normal. This reduction in flow is due to contaminants blocking the water pathway and proves that the ceramic element is successfully filtering out foreign bodies. Another consideration is the colour. When new, the colour of the ceramic filter is white; any dis-colourment during use is due to contaminants being filtered out. For optimum performance, clean as explained in the question below.

2. How do i clean a ceramic filter candle?

We recommend a gentle buffeting with a scouring pad until the whiteness of the ceramic returns. Heavy rubbing or over abrasive material may remove more of the ceramic than is actually necessary. Rubber gloves are recommended to be used during cleaning and NEVER use soap or detergents. Ensure that the end of the plastic mount does not come into contact with unfiltered water.

3. Why is my ceramic filter element discoloured?

This is physical proof that it has been successfully filtering out contaminants which in most cases are invisible to the naked eye. The micro porous properties of the ceramic will remove contaminates which would have otherwise passed undetected for consumption. The colour of the candle will vary depending on what contaminants are evident in the water supply. The candle will return to its ceramic white by following the simple cleaning steps as explained above.

4. I do not have flow meter to gauge the amount of water that my filter has treated? How can i estimate how much water has pass through the filter?

On average a family of four uses approximately 8 litres of water per day for cooking and drinking. Therefore, based on 10 litres/day for four people the life of your filter can be estimated in time rather than capacity.

5. My ceramic filter seems to block up too regularly; is it working correctly?

Yes, regular blocking may be simply due to the turbidity or particles in the water supply. This proves that the filter is working efficiently; it is the ceramic filtering out contaminants and therefore reducing the water flow, but it may be beneficial to use a pre-filter upstream of the ceramic filter. This prevents the candle from becoming blocked too quickly; it minimises cleaning and therefore extends the life of the ceramic filter.

6. For optimum performance, when should a ceramic candle can be replaced?

This depends on frequency of use, water quality and the grade of ceramic candle in your system. The following guideline for replacing the various ceramic grades:

Ultracarb UCC® 2,300 litres 

High porosity HPU® 2,300 litres

Biotect Ultra BTU® 2,300 litres

After this amount of water has passed through the filter element, the filter will need to be replaced to guarantee optimum performance.

7. Do i need to sterilise the candle after cleaning?

No, there is no need to sterilise the ceramic candle. All Doulton® and British Berkefeld® filters (excluding Standard grade) feature BioTect® technology that guards against bacteria eliminating the need for boiling either the filter or your drinking water even when used over an extended period.

8. How do i keep my filter housing clean?

The filter housing is best cleaned by unscrewing the body from the head and wiping the surface and the inside of the body with a soft cloth dampened with warm water. It is important not to attempt to clean the filter head. This could cause contamination of the filtered water.

9. Whats happens if i leave the filter un-used of a period of time?

Due to self sterilising, our ceramic candles will not be harmed by lack of use for a period of time. If normal use of the filter is interrupted by holidays or vacations, growth of harmless heterotrophic bacteria may result in a ‘flat’ or ‘stale’ taste for a period of time when use of the filter resumes. This is especially true for the filter elements that contain activated carbon such as the Super Sterasyl® (contains granular activated carbon), the Supercarb®, Chlorasyl® and Ultracarb® (both contain an extruded activated carbon core). Flushing the filter system for several minutes after any prolonged period of inactivity should eliminate the problem.

10. How effective is my Doulton filter element against chloramine?

The UCC/BTU grade of ceramic filter has an activated carbon block insert which takes out chlorine and monochloramine, improving the taste and odour of drinking water.

11. What's the difference between temporary & permanent hardness in water?

Hardness is caused by the presence of positively charged metal ions. Total hardness is measured as the equivalent of milligrams per litre of calcium carbonate. Temporary hardness only contains metal carbonates and bicarbonates, the most typical being calcium carbonate. Temporary hardness is precipitated from water when heated and is responsible for the furring of heating elements and metal pipes. Permanent hardness consists of non-carbonate based metal salts, and does not precipitate out on heating.

12. How effective is my doulton filter element against the hardness?

The ceramic candle will not remove hardness in water, but our CleanSoft® cartridge will. It contains an ion exchange resin which reduces temporary hardness in water. This helps to prevent limescale build up on kettles and unpleasant film forming on hot drinks (particularly tea). The CleanSoft® cartridge is supplied with our DUO system as a stage 1 filtration unit. The DUO® has the benefit of a 2ndstage filter to include either UCC®,  BTU®.

13.  Will hardness affect the performance of an Ultracarb/BTU filter element?

The ATS media used in our Ultracarb® filters will adsorb lead, even in the presence of calcium and magnesium ions. This is proven in the NSF certification testing. One of the test protocols for metal(s) reduction calls for testing at high pH, high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) conditions to simulate use in hard waters. Filter elements containing ATS have to pass this part of the test protocol before they can receive NSF certification.

14. How effective is my Doulton against all types of bacteria?

Due to the vast number of different species of bacteria which vary in shape, size and growth characteristics, it would be impossible for the ceramic filter to be effective against each type. However, Doulton® and British Berkefeld® ceramic filters are successful in removing the most prevalent and harmful species, Pathogenic Bacteria.

The pathogenic bacteria that FICL claim to be effective against have been qualified by test data from independent test laboratories or are extrapolated from test data of similar microorganisms (please seek advice from FICL on permitted extrapolated claims).

Although the ceramic will filter all types of heterotrophic bacteria to some extent, it should be noted that any harmless bacteria of this type passing through the ceramic may multiply downstream of the filter. Since these heterotrophic bacteria are harmless, normally there are no problems and some heterotrophic bacteria are reported to be beneficial to health. However, if normal use of the filter is interrupted by holidays or vacations, growth of these bacteria may result in a ‘flat’ or ‘stale’ taste for a period of time when use of the filter resumes. This is especially true for the filter elements that contain activated carbon such as the Ultracarb UCC/BTU® (both contain an extruded activated carbon core). Any system containing activated carbon, which will reduce residual levels of free chlorine, will result in an increase in plate counts over a short period of time until a constant state of equilibrium is established. The UK Drinking Water Inspectorate water regulations call for the water to be regularly monitored for consistency as used, therefore since an equilibrium point is reached in the filtered water, the filters comply with the regulations. The presence of this type of heterotrophic bacteria does not constitute a health problem since the organisms present will be harmless and a suitable level of consistency would be established. Flushing the filter system for several minutes after any prolonged period of inactivity should eliminate the problem

15. Why does the pH of my drinking water increase (*alkaline water) when i use my ceramic filter?

The slight increase in the pH of water passed through the ceramic filters is due to the presence of the mineral Wollastonite in the ceramic. Wollastonite is slightly soluble and alkaline, so may partly dissolve in the water as it passes through the filter causing a minor pH shift which is harmless. No health based guideline value for pH in drinking water has been proposed by the WHO, although accompanying notes to the guidelines state that the pH range is often in the range of 6.5-9.5. In general there is little evidence to suggest that pH in potable water of around 9-10 is of public health significance.

16. Do all ceramic filter candles available in the market achieve the same contaminate removal rate?

No, we can only vouch for the quality and removal claims of the British Berkefeld® and Doulton® ceramic candles. We are a UK ISO accredited company whose manufacturing processes and methods are strictly monitored. We also have our products independently and regularly tested to prove that they meet the specifications, we claim.

17. Is my ceramic filter element ecologically friendly?

Yes, British Berkefeld® and Doulton® ceramic candles are produced from 100% natural materials and can be disposed of in land fill.


1. Tanya Doulton dengan air selepas produk penapisan adalah berasid atau beralkali ia?

 Penapis air kerana takut akan menjadi terlalu masam atau terlalu masin ..... tidak digunakan untuk minum Doulton diatoms porselin bahan-bahan mentah untuk kartrij itu sendiri adalah asas.

Selain itu, walaupun rawatan kapur air telah ditambah untuk mendakan sulfat aluminium dan air mentah, untuk mengimbangi pH, untuk mengelakkan kakisan paip air.

Air berasid yang dirawat supaya nilai purata kira-kira pH 7.4 air yang ditapis akan doulton diukur pH kira-kira 7.5 hingga 8, boleh dirujuk kepada sedikit beralkali. Rasa makanan, tiada kaitan dengan nilai pH.

2. Ingin bertanya setiap kata minum lebih, ia boleh membantu kesihatan?

Metabolisme manusia memerlukan air, yang sememangnya bukan pengganti kepada minuman lain.

Dengan badan satu hari perlu tempoh yang berbeza, dan minum masa strategik pandai boleh mengurangkan pengambilan pemprosesan minuman tidak membantu. Sebagai contoh, dalam setengah jam sebelum makan untuk minum jumlah yang betul air, seperti minum soda boleh mengurangkan, teh lemon, kopi dan minuman teh apabila makan-gula yang tinggi, atau sup, sup minuman garam yang tinggi.

3. Pengguna perlu menjelaskan Doulton penapis, anda mempunyai sebarang komen?

Sangat baik penjelasan, tetapi berhati-hati, dicampur resin pertukaran ion adalah dalam rod karbon diaktifkan, bukan sebagai speaker bahagian bebas daripada berkata penapis tambahan.

4. Saya bertanya berapa lama mahu menggantikan penapis?

Menggantikan penapis sekurang-kurangnya setahun, juga bergantung kepada penggunaan kualiti air dan air dan memendekkan tempoh tersebut

5. Di bawah dengan siri / penapis (fungsi saliran as), kepentingan model yang berbeza adalah bahawa?

Penapis air Dalton banyak gaya, masing-masing atas kaunter dan di bawah kaunter, bahan shell juga dibahagikan ke dalam plastik dan keluli tahan karat, saliran air lokasi lubang juga berbeza. Dapur sesuai untuk paparan kedudukan yang berbeza. Di atas harga kaunter yang lebih baik, kebanyakannya memasang diri, undercounter bit neon yang agak padat, tetapi dengan harga yang lebih tinggi, juga perlu membayar yuran persediaan tambahan. Ekonomi perumahan plastik daripada keluli tahan karat dan keluli tahan karat lebih mudah untuk membersihkan dan tahan lama.

6. Bagaimana untuk menguji kualiti air?

ujian umum dalam makmal diperlukan untuk layak, kerana item ujian yang berbeza, ujian akan dibuat dalam cara yang berbeza. Jika anda ingin mengetahui kandungan logam berat dalam air, ia mesti menjadi prosedur makmal yang sangat rumit untuk menguji instrumen, jadi ujian air , hasilnya tidak akan mudah untuk memahami dan membuat kesimpulan. Oleh itu, kami mencadangkan bahawa ujian ini bekerja kepada agensi-agensi profesional atau pengeluar skala dan proses dipercayai.

7. SILVER ION dalam kartrij tidak akan jatuh?

SILVER ION adalah salah satu daripada unsur-unsur surih dalam tisu manusia, jumlah kesan SILVER ION adalah tidak berbahaya kepada manusia, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia "WHO" peruntukan SILVER ION pada keselamatan manusia adalah 0.05 ppm atau kurang, ion edisi SILVER terhad dalam air minuman adalah 0.05mg / l. Dalton penapis seramik yang digunakan adalah bahan pepejal boleh tegas dikunci unsur perak, kadar ujian kurang daripada 0.001mg / l, adalah 1/50 had kebangsaan / antarabangsa. 

8. Sila jelaskan secara terperinci KDF penapis, peranan dan keberkesanan?
KDF adalah [aloi zink-tembaga], nama dagangan penapis, yang "zink" dan "tembaga" Kedua-dua aloi diproses melalui proses tertentu pembuatan. Menggunakan "redoks elektrokimia" menukar bahan pencemar ke dalam bahan-bahan berbahaya, dalam rawatan logam berat dalam air, menghalang pertumbuhan bakteria dan alga yang sangat berkesan.

9. Doulton penapis boleh menapis pelbagai bahan, mengapa tiada kadar peratusan boleh menapis ia?

Sudah tentu, terdapat laporan ujian produk menapis bahan pencemar, menapis bahan-bahan berbahaya dalam nisbah setiap daripada mereka juga mempunyai data, juga terbuka kepada orang ramai dalam laman web rasmi Doulton untuk pemeriksaan berminat.

10. Mengapa tidak menjual British HPU penapis / penapis air?

industri porselin British Flygt Ltd (FICL) Dalton sebagai pembekal global bagi produk rawatan air mempunyai strategi pemasaran yang berbeza untuk kawasan-kawasan yang berbeza, penapis HPU terutamanya untuk pasaran Asia, dan FICL untuk tidak membeli saluran jualan utama talian tidak dijual tidak menghairankan, tiada kaitan dengan kualiti.

11. Selepas memasang mendapati akibat masalah tekanan air yang disebabkan oleh keadaan air yang rendah perlu bagaimana untuk berurusan dengan?

Apabila tekanan adalah 2Bar, sejumlah standard air sebanyak 1.9 liter / minit, seperti kurang daripada tekanan standard, jumlah air yang akan membuat perlahan, mungkin kurang daripada 1 liter seminit, udara di dalam adalah let pergi cuba penapis air. Apabila betul berpusing penapis, tidak mengetatkan perumahan, penapis air yang diletakkan di seluruh membasuh tangan lembangan, bahagian paip Suis perangkap saliran diperuntukkan dibuka apabila saliran mengalir perlahan-lahan, boleh mematikan paip dan kemudian mengetatkan badan perumahan apabila udara telah dilepaskan, air akan bertambah baik daripada sebelum ini.

12. Mengapa menggunakan masa yang singkat mereka menapis air perlahan-lahan, kitaran pembersihan adalah terlalu padat (satu hingga dua hari sekali)?

Pembersihan kitaran terlalu dekat dan tidak membuat penapis air yang perlahan dalam jangka pendek, ini akan sebab dan akibat diterbalikkan. Malah, jika kuantiti yang banyak air, sedimen atau karat lebih banyak air, bertukar warna kedalaman lapisan penapis, akan membuat air yang melambatkan, maka mereka memerlukan pembersihan.

13. Penapis disyorkan operasi suhu 5-38 darjah Celsius, seperti melebihi had suhu atas akan menapis apa kesan?

Setiap produk penggunaannya adalah disyorkan terbang daya Daltons suhu penapis air adalah 5-38 ° C, kerana sebagai kriteria penapis ujian, prestasi terbaik bersih penapis, seperti julat lebih akan memberi kesan kepada prestasi bersih penapis. Dan komponen lain (seperti: paip air plastik) juga gagal untuk menahan suhu tinggi.

14. permukaan penapis telus dalam mesin hijau, sebab?

Ya, ah! Akan menyimpan sejumlah kecil air paip tanpa filter antara shell telus dan penapis, jika di bawah matahari, akan menghasilkan "fotosintesis" seperti bintik hijau lumut muncul, ia harus diperhatikan bahawa shell telus penapis air tidak boleh diletakkan tetingkap sampingan.

15. Mengapa penapis countertop air tidak boleh dipasang dengan penonton?

Sebagai tindak balas kepada keperluan pelanggan yang berbeza, dari tahun-tahun awal, hanya tiga Dalton beberapa model, pembangunan hari ini mempunyai banyak model yang berbeza, akan ada lebih banyak wang untuk mengemas kini pasaran penapis air.

16. Adakah semua diatoms penapis seramik telah mencapai pensijilan NSF 42/53?

Doulton penapis seramik diatom dilampirkan bersama-sama semua Sanitation Foundation National NSF # 42, # 53 standard untuk pembuatan, antara produk Ultra Sterasyl, Supercarb, Ultracarb, Biotect sedang NSF disenaraikan. 

17. Berapa lama cuci sekali?

Setiap keluarga sebagai tindak balas kepada kualiti air dan penggunaan air adalah berbeza-beza, air perlahan boleh dibawa keluar untuk membersihkan penapis, kami mencadangkan basuh sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sekali, tetapi dua belas minggu untuk beberap


1. 问一下用了道尔顿产品过滤后的水是偏酸性还是偏碱性呢?

怕过滤出来后的水会太酸或太咸.....饮不惯 Doulton滤芯的原材料为矽藻瓷,本身是带碱性的,另外,水务署处理食水时加入石灰来中和沈淀原水用的硫酸铝,以平衡酸碱度,避免腐蚀输水管道。

石灰令处理过的自来水pH值平均约为7.4,所以道尔顿的滤净水会被测出pH值约为7.5 ~ 8,可称为微碱性。而食物中的味道,跟其pH值无关

2. 想问每曰饮水多,可帮助健康吗?

人体新陈代谢需要水, 这是其他饮料绝对不能代替的. 配合身体一天不同时段的需要, 有策略及聪明的按时饮水, 可减少摄取无益的加工饮料。例如在进餐前半小时喝适量水, 可减低进餐时饮用如汽水、柠檬茶,咖啡及奶茶等高糖饮料, 又或者汤、羹等高盐饮料。 


相当不错的讲解, 但需留意,离子交换树脂是已混合在活性碳棒内, 并非如讲者所言另外独立在滤芯一部分.

滤芯至少一年更换, 亦视乎水质与用水量而缩短使用期.

5. 同一款系列/滤芯(滤水功能一样)情况下,不同型号的意义在于?

道尔顿滤水器款式繁多,分别为台上式及台下式,外壳物料亦分为塑胶及不锈钢,滤水出水孔位置亦有不同。适合不同厨房位置摆放。台上式价格较优惠, 大多可自行安装,台下式较悭位, 但售价较高, 亦需要另外支付安装费.塑胶外壳比不锈钢经济, 而不锈钢外壳较易清洁及耐用.

6. 如何测试水质?

一般测试都需于合资格的化验所内进行, 至于不同的测试项目, 会用不同的方法作出测试. 如果想知道水中重金属含量, 则必须在化验室以仪器测试. 因此测试水的程序十分复杂,得出的结果亦不容易理解及下定论。所以我们建议将这工作交给专业化验机构或有规模及可靠的生产商处理.

 7. 滤芯里面的银离子会不会脱落?

银是人体组织内的微量元素之一,微量的银对人体是无害的,世界卫生组织《WHO》 规定银对人体的安全值为0.05ppm以下,饮用水中银离子的限量为0.05mg/l。道尔顿滤芯所用的瓷是固体物料能够稳固锁住银元素,测试率低于0.001mg/l,是国家/国际限量的50分之1。

8. 请详细解释KDF滤芯,作用和功效!

KDF 即为[锌铜合金],为滤料的商品名,是"锌"及"铜"两种合金通过特定工艺加工制造的。利用"电化学氧化还原法"将污染物转换化成无害物质,在处理水中重金属、抑制细菌和藻类生长方面是十分有效的。

 9. 道尔顿滤芯可过滤多种物质,为何没有可过滤的百份比率呢?

产品当然有过滤污染物的测试报告, 当中每种有害物质的滤除比率也有数据, 亦公开放于道尔顿官方网页内, 供有兴趣人士查阅.

10. 为什么英国主页没有售卖HPU滤芯/滤水器?


11.  如安装后发现因水压问题而导致出水过低情况应如何处理?

当水压为2Bar时, 标准出水量为1.9公升/分钟, 如水压低于标准, 会令出水量减慢,可能每分钟会少于1公升, 可尝试为滤水器放走内部空气。当扭妥滤芯后,先不要把外壳扭紧,将滤水器横放在洗手盆内,将分水开关掣拨到滤水一边,打开水龙头,当滤水缓缓流出,便可关掉水龙头,再扭紧外壳,此时机体内的空气已被排走,出水量会较之前有改善。

12. 为什么滤芯使用很短时间便出水慢,使清洗周期过密(一至二日一次)?


13. 滤芯建议操作温度为摄氏5-38度,如超出温度上限会对滤芯造成什么影响?


14. 透明机内的滤芯表面呈现绿色,原因?

是啊! 透明外壳与滤芯之间会储存少量未经过滤的自来水, 如有太阳照射下, 会产生「光合作用」
出现青苔类的绿色斑点, 所以需注意透明外壳的滤水器不可放在窗边.


16. 是否所有矽藻瓷滤芯已经取得 NSF 42/53 认证?
道尔顿矽藻瓷滤芯全都附合美国国家卫生基金会 NSF #42, #53 标准制造, 
当中的Sterasyl, Supercarb, Ultracarb, Biotect Ultra
